SSB Tradesman Recruitment 2023: SSB stands for Sashastra Seema Bal, SSB is a force of India that is deployed on the Nepal and Bhutan borders. Every year the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) published recruitment to fill up the various post of SSB Tradesman like Constable Driver, Veterinary, Laboratory Assistant, Ayah and Tradesman posts like Cook, Water Carrier, Painter, Tailor, Washerman, Barber, Safaiwala, Cobbler etc. If you want to make your career in Deface, then SSB Tradesman Recruitment 2023 is a good opportunity for you. On this webpage, we are giving you all the information related to SSB Tradesman Bharti 2023 like the Online Application Form, how to apply, Vacancy, eligibility criteria, important date and Admit card etc.
SSB Tradesman Recruitment 2023 Overview
Authority Name | SASHASTRA SEEMA BAL (S.S.B.) |
Advertisement No.: | Update soon |
Numbers of Vacancies | ———– |
Vacancy Name: | SSB Constable Tradesmen |
The scale of Pay: | Rs. 21700-69100/- (Level-3) |
Job Location: | All over India |
Types of Job | Central Government Job |
Application Available | Update Soon |
Application Process: | Online mode |
Official Online Web Portals: | | |
SSB Tradesman Recruitment 2023 Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification:
Constable Tradesman – The applicant must have passed 10 from any recognized board. And should have 2 years of experience in the trade for which you are applying.
OR 2-year Diploma from a recognized Industrial Training Institute (ITI).
Driver – For constable drivers, the applicant must have passed 10 from a recognized board and should also have a heavy driving license.
Laboratory Assistant: For Constable Laboratory Assistant Post, the Candidate Must Have Passed 10th with Science Subject and One Year Work Exp with Lab Assistant Course.
Constable Veterinary: Candidate should have passed 10th with Science subject with 1-year work experience from Animal Hospital.
Age Limit
SSB Constable Driver – The applicant’s age should be between 21 years to 27 years. 21 to 27 years
Constable Laboratory Assistant, Carpenter, Plumber, Veterinary, Ayah, and Painter – Applicant age should be between 18 years to 25 years.
SSB Constable Cook, Water Carrier, Waiter, Tailor, Washerman, Barber, Safaiwala, Gardner and Cobbler – Applicant age should be between 18 years to 23 years.
SSB Tradesman Job 2023 Selection Process
To get selected for SSB Tradesman, candidates will have to go through a lot of selection processes. Candidates will select based on marks obtained in the selection process. To get recruited in SSB Tradesman, the candidates have to qualify for Documentation, Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Physical Standard Test (PST), written exam, Trade test and Medical examination. After the completion of the selection process, the recruitment authority will prepare a merit list according to the written exam and trade test.
SSB Tradesman Bharti 2023 Application Form
The candidates have to submit the application form to participate in the SSB Recruitment 2023. The SSB Tradesman Application Form will be filled out online in which the applicant will have to fill in their personal and educational details. The application form has to be submitted on the official website of the Respective Authority, the steps of which are given below.
How to Apply for SSB Constable Tradesman Recruitment
- First of all, candidates have to visit the SSB official website
- Read the official notification by opening the link of SSB Job 2023 here.
- Now candidates complete your registration process, in which you have to fill in your personal and educational qualifications.
- Candidates have to fill in the candidate’s name, gender, religion, marital status, date of birth, category, Aadhaar number, etc in the personal details.
- You have to fill in academic details in Education Qualification.
- After filling the first part, the second part will come in which you will have to upload your photo and signature.
- Now you have to submit the application fee to complete the application process.
- Now submit the application form and take a printout of the application form.
Application fee:
To complete the application process, you have to pay the application fee, Rs 100/- has to pay by UR, EWS and OBC candidates. And Fee is waived for candidates SC, ST, Ex-serviceman and Female. The application fee also has to pay through online mode by using Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card or Challan.
SSB Tradesman Written Examination:-
Exam Pattern:-
SSB Tradesman exam 2023 will be as follows:
- The written test will be an objective type question.
- There will be 100 questions in a paper.
- The question paper will be 100 marks.
- The Exam duration will be 02:00 hours.
SSB Tradesman Job 2023 Admit Card
Admit card is an important document to participate in the recruitment which is issued 15 days before the recruitment process. The admit card contains complete information about the candidates and the exam like exam date, time, location, candidate’s name, roll number and photo etc. To participate in the recruitment, candidates have to download the admit card and take a printout. Check the process to download the admit card.
How to Download Admit Card 2023:
- Firstly, go online and open the official website of SSB
- Go to Admit Card Option and Click on Download Admit Card Link.
- Candidates have to log in with a provisional id & password.
- Admit card will show and Click on download admit card.
- Download the admit card and take a print copy of the admit card for future references.